About the Bayside U3A Writers
Our Convenor is Dr Cheryl Threadgold OAM
To partake in this group, persons need to be eligible to join the Bayside U3A firstly, then make application to participate in the group.
Currently, there is a waiting list.
Viewers may contact us using this form or calling the Bayside U3A office (03) 9589 3798.
About Bayside U3A
The University of the Third Age (U3A) movement started in France in the 1980s and has since become a global network. There are now 109 U3A organisations in Victoria.
After forming in 2012, Bayside U3A Inc offered its first classes in 2013. Today, over 1300 members can select from 150 different courses, classes and events each year. Bayside U3A is an all-volunteer organisation, from the committee to office helpers, tutors and class conveners. Its main venues are the Beaumaris Community Centre and the Old Brighton Courthouse. Activities are also offered at other sites around Bayside.
Click here to visit the website.
Last updated: July 2023