This website includes advertising from third parties. Any opinion, advice, statement, service, offer, information or content made by advertisers does not necessarily reflect that of Writers Victoria. Any reference to services offered by a third party does not imply its endorsement or recommendation by Writers Victoria.
Our advertising policy
All advertising
- Must not contain or promote anything deemed to be racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise contrary to Writers Victoria’s values.
- Must not include copyrighted material without permission.
- Must not be deceptive about the nature of goods or services being advertised. In particular, paid services must be indicated as such.
- Must not present a conflict of interest to commercial services offered by Writers Victoria.
Digital advertising
- Hyperlinks must not direct users to web pages that aren’t clearly indicated in the advertising itself or that users would not reasonably expect them to direct to.
- Images or markup must not be animated, excessively garish or intrusive.
- Images should be accompanied by alternative text for screen-reader users.
Conflicts of interest
- Advertisements must not present a conflict of interest to commercial services offered by Writers Victoria.
- These services include but are not limited to: membership, workshops, seminars, manuscript assessment and mentoring.
- Services are not considered to present a conflict of interest if they take place:
- In a location not serviced by Writers Victoria.
- In a different format from those provided by Writers Victoria.
- On a topic or subject matter not covered by Writers Victoria.
- On a date not less than two months before or after a comparable Writers Victoria.
- In partnership with Writers Victoria.
Disclaimers and Endorsements
Writers Victoria will publish a statement within each edition of the enews that clearly states any advertising is not an indication of Writers Victoria’s endorsement.
As part of an annual member’s survey, members will be asked whether they have had positive or negative experiences with any of our regular advertisers.
Those advertisers who receive five or more positive responses will be offered the option to have a ‘WV Members Recommend’ logo applied to their advertisement.
Those advertisers who receive five or more negative responses (or equivalent number of complaints throughout the year) will no longer be able to advertise with Writers Victoria.