Home » Stormy Weather Anthology » A Poem by willa

A Poem by willa

Photograph of the sun rising in a blue sky with low clouds, above a blurry, flat, dark landscape that a shining river is running through. The view is seen from behind a rain spattered window


Photograph of the sun rising in a blue sky with low clouds, above a blurry, flat, dark landscape that a shining river is running through. The view is seen from behind a rain spattered window. Photo: by Willa



Like the ghost of an old cowboy riding a dusty trail

Heaven’s exhalation whips and cracks

Swiftly jolting me from suspended consciousness

I listen to the leaves of the trees talking to each other, 

shrouding me with a sense of foreboding


The squall dies down, leaving a feeling of heaviness

In the air

In my soul

And the animals are restless

Though they have long since disappeared


The rumbling and rattling of a freight train

Sound, rushing past me

Where it’s going, I don’t know 

It has come carrying a thousand screaming souls

Barrelling down a non-existent track

Not a single celestial torch

To illuminate the path home


Freezing lips kiss my face and hands

I’m struck by shivers

Rolling like thunder

Up and down my spine

Pricking my skin

No longer enshrouded, and helpless against the onslaught

It stands to attention 

A lone bird’s cry of desperation

I am pierced


The roll of a discontent sky

Shudders in the distance

The mumbling of ancestors

Pulsating with incoherent memories 

Yearn to be heard

Though they are deafening


Uneasily shifting, yet solid as a rock,

I await the arrival of a soft star

Its umber, blush, and lilac hues

Gently kissing the Earth beneath 

Bringing with it illumination and peace



Willa is a strong, fiercely proud, compassionate DjaDja Wurrung Woman, who is committed to giving Indigenous, Disabled, LGBTQI+, and other Marginalized individuals and groups, a voice in a World in which there are still very few platforms and programs afforded to them. Living independently under the watchful eye of her Persian Assistance Cat Dilara, Willa writes and takes photographs every day, journalling her life and the places and people around her.




Next: Disabled and Professional (yes it is possible) by Laura Pettenuzzo


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