In this section, you’ll find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about getting published and the business of being a writer.
- Can I ask a question about writing?
- Can I make a living from being a writer?
- Do I need a literary agent?
- Do I need to pay a fee to be published?
- How do I build an author profile?
- How do I find a literary agent?
- How do I find a publisher?
- How much can I expect to be paid for my work?
- Should I submit the same piece of writing to different places?
- What does a literary agent do?
- What if I want to ask another question?
- What is copyright?
- What is vanity publishing?
- When should I submit to a publisher?
- Where can I find a printer?
- Where can I find an editor?
- Where can I find an illustrator?
- Where can I get legal advice?
- Which journals and publications can I submit my writing to?
- Which publishers can I submit my work to?