There is no way to guarantee you will be able to make a consistent income from your writing.
If you’re a freelance writer, there may be times when you have plenty of work and times when you don’t. To learn more about freelance opportunities in Australia refer to ‘The Australian Writer’s Marketplace: Freelance Opportunities.’
If you wish to be a writer of novel-length fiction or non-fiction, be aware that it can take years to complete a single manuscript, often without the guarantee of it being published after all your hard work. The average income of professional writers in Australia is only about $11,000/year. This means you may need to develop ways to supplement your income such as freelance writing or work in a related field.
If you begin to experience success with your writing there is no way to know for certain if you should make writing your sole occupation – it is a personal decision that only you can make once you’ve weighed up all the options.
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