Writers Victoria is delighted to announce Melbourne-based writer Nancy Langham-Hooper as the recipient of the first Only Connect Digital Writer Residency for Carers for 2019.
Nancy has lived in the USA, UK and Australia and holds a PhD in art history. She is the primary carer for a child with a disability.
Judges for Nancy’s application called her writing ‘engaging, timely, and well-considered…a talented writer with tremendous potential’. Nancy’s writing often draws from her experience as an art historian, focused through a contemporary cultural lens.
As the Digital Writer in Residence, Nancy will be provided paid writing and subsidised professional development opportunities including, but not limited to:
- A stipend to support her writing and funding for childcare/respite care
- Three paid commissions of 800-1000 words to be published through Writers Victoria channels and/or partner outlets
- Provision of a complimentary Writers Victoria membership
- Complimentary access to online and/or in-person workshops
- Profile-raising and facilitated networking opportunities
- Paid opportunity to appear as part of the Emerging Writers Festival, forthcoming in June 2019.
Carers, a role occupied primarily by women, continue to face many barriers to artistic and professional development, including caring responsibilities, the expense of child, respite, or external care, socio-economic status, location and distance to metropolitan areas. This residency aims to support creative practice and enhance professional development in a way that respects the writers’ life circumstances.
‘A digital residency with Writers Victoria is a life-changing experience,’ says 2018’s Digital Writer in Residence, Gabriella Muñoz. ‘The support, advice and encouragement that Writers Vic gave me last year helped my writing in so many ways.’
The Only Connect Digital Writer Residency for Carers project is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program. There will be two residencies in 2019, one for a Melbourne-based writer, and one ear-marked for a regional or rural writer.