Self-publishing is becoming a popular option for writers of all styles. It gives you the opportunity to have complete control over the production of your work. However, it also necessitates that you manage each part of the publishing process, which is no small task.
The most successful self-published authors are those who plan their project carefully and set themselves realistic goals.
To be a successful self-published author, you will need to undertake the following:
- Research the market
- Polish the manuscript – get professional editorial advice
- Decide if you want to use a self-publishing service or go it alone
- Make a budget
- Organise distribution – don’t forget you need an ISBN and a barcode
- Make choices about your book’s production and printing. Think about: design, typesetting, permissions costs, printing costs, format, paper weight and binding.
- Think about how best to promote and market your book.
To help understand what each step of the self-publishing journey requires, check out:
Note: this information is for self-publishing print books. If you’re interesting in ebooks we also have some helpful advice on epublishing.
Helpful reading
- Hints for Self-Publishing Authors – a pdf guide by Australian Society of Authors (ASA)
- The Self-publisher’s Marketing Guide by Debbie Higgs
- Pozible crowd funding – an online initiative to potentially help fund your writing project
- Kickstarter crowd funding
- GoGetFunding