Kate Ryan writes fiction and non-fiction and has worked as an editor for publishing houses including Penguin and Lothian Books, as a manuscript assessor, writing mentor and writing teacher. Her work has appeared in publications including ‘New Australian Writing 2’, ‘The Sleepers Almanac’, ‘Kill Your Darlings’, the ‘Griffith Review’, ‘TEXT’ and ‘Best Australian Stories’ (2016), and her children’s picture books were published by Penguin and Lothian. Kate’s short stories have been shortlisted for the Josephine Ulrick and Boroondara Literary Awards and longlisted for the Elizabeth Jolley Prize. She won the Writers’ Prize in the Melbourne Prize for Literature (2015) and in 2016 the novella category in the Lord Mayors Creative Writing Awards. She has a PhD in Creative Writing (La Trobe University, 2013). Her debut novel The Golden Book (Scribe) was published in 2021 and she is completing her second novel HOUSE, about families, houses and emotion. Read more about Kate’s work at: www.kateryanauthor.com
Specialises in:
- General fiction
- Literary fiction
- Short stories
- Creative non fiction
- Memoir
- Young adult and children’s fiction