Live Write is Writers Victoria’s free online writers group, where everyone is welcome – join us at our twice-weekly meeting via Zoom, where you have the option to work on your own writing, or use the writing prompt given, in order to have some scheduled writing time. Anyone can join in on Live Write, and you don’t have to be a Writers Victoria member to take part.
Live Write is designed to be a structured writing block, where attendees are accountable to their work by connecting with others doing the same. We will have some introduction and information time (~5 minutes) at the beginning of the session, supervised / accountable writing time (~25 minutes), and then take a few minutes to wrap up. Our host Noé will keep us on time and in line during the session!
Live Write is run by Noè Harsel, who has made a career in the arts through communications, marketing, fundraising and production. She is the Museum Director and CEO of the Jewish Museum of Australia: Gandel Centre of Judaica.
Please note that when Noè is not available, a member of the Writers Victoria team will run the session.
Live Write runs every Tuesday night at 8pm, and every Friday at 12pm midday. If you’d like to join us online for Live Write, sign up for session reminder emails here.