Writers Victoria, with the support of The Myer Foundation, is delighted to announce the recipients of Round 6 of the Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund.
This round’s judges were author and bookseller Jaclyn Crupi, writer Jeanine Leane, and editor Renée Otmar. The judges were impressed with the overall quality of the applications in what was a competitive round, awarding a total of $58,687 to the 12 recipients.
Congratulations to:
- Poet Amanda Anastasi, awarded for travel to the Great Barrier Reef to write a series of poems to raise awareness of climate change impacts. Amanda was granted $3,347.
- Writer and bookseller Madeleine Gray, awarded for travel to Melbourne for professional development at the Melbourne Writers Festival, and to work on a manuscript. Madeleine was granted $5,000.
- Writer and academic Shakira Hussein, awarded for travel to New Zealand to undertake research for essay and memoir manuscript, ‘Nine Elevenitis’. Shakira was granted $7,078.
- Author Miranda Luby, awarded to undertake research for a contemporary Young Adult novel set on Flinders Island, which explores multigenerational relationships and climate change issues. Miranda was granted $2,224.
- Writer Brooke Maddison, awarded to undertake a research trip to Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) to speak to the Quandamooka First Nations peoples and research the landscape and history of the island for debut novel, ‘Drift’. Brooke was granted $2,218.
- Poet Marjon Mossammaparast, awarded for travel to Tasmania for research on a collection of poetry due to be released in 2022. Marjon was granted $6,400.
- Writer Michael Ryan, awarded for travel to Adelaide to undertake research for a non-fiction book about the unsolved murder that led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Australia. Michael was granted $5,550.
- Writer Michelle Scott Tucker, awarded for travel to Cairns and Bamaga in far North Queensland to work with Torres Strait Islander Aaron Fa’Aoso as the ghost-writer of his memoir. Michelle was granted $2,981.
- Author Mark Smith, awarded for travel to Albany, Western Australia to research key settings for new adult novel, ‘Three Boys Gone’. Mark was granted $3,915.
- Writer Annabel Stafford, awarded to undertake a research trip to Perth and Wyndham for nonfiction book ‘The Wanted and the Unwanted’. Annabel was granted $3,704.
- Writer and academic Lowana Tudor-Smith, awarded for travel to the Northern Territory to conduct research for ‘Bina: First Nations Languages Old and New’, a book that journeys the rich tapestry of Indigenous languages in contemporary Australia. Lowana was granted $10,000.
- Journalist Kate Wild, awarded for travel to Darwin and Yuendumu to cover the murder trial of a police officer for the fatal shooting of a Warlpiri man. Kate was granted $6,270.
Bon voyage!
Thank you to The Myer Foundation for making this fund possible.