Home » Workshops and Courses » Twilight Creature Double Feature: Writing with Bats

Twilight Creature Double Feature: Writing with Bats

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a bat? Zipping through the balmy summer evening catching insects on the wing, or returning from a night’s foraging at dawn and collecting your pup from the creche tree to feed them. Bats are the only flying mammals in the world and possess amazing senses. In this workshop we will explore how thinking like a bat can enrich our writing. 

This event is part of our Twilight Creature Double Feature, an evening of themed sessions, embracing the animals of early evening. Sign up for one or both sessions to learn the lessons of badgers and bats. Register for Badger as Mentor here.


  • When: Thursday 18 July, 7.30–8.30pm
  • Where: Online
  • With: Jessica Obersby

About the Tutor

A photo of Jessica Obersby.

Jessica Obersby is an emerging writer who believes in the power of stories to change people’s lives. Her work in progress is YA speculative fiction that has a protagonist with mental illness. Jessica is a graduate of the RMIT Professional Writing and Editing degree and in 2019 was a recipient of a Writers Victoria Writeability Fellowship. She is currently studying Environmental Science and rescued animals outnumber humans in her household twelve to two! 

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