Submissions for Island 173 and 174 are open, closing Monday 30 December 2024.
Island‘s fiction guidelines:
Although we are not strict about the length of works, we tend not to publish flash fiction or microfiction in print very often. This doesn’t mean you can’t submit very short works – just be aware that this is not our staple. In terms of upper limits, we are less likely to publish works longer than 4000 words. Again, this is a general guideline, we do not have a formal cut-off.
Island‘s nonfiction guidelines:
We want to read about what fascinates, excites or enrages you. Your entry doesn’t have to be zeitgeisty – there are so many ways to be curious – however, we are always keen on unique perspectives, unheard voices, and on work that’s insightful or urgent. We encourage you to investigate, experiment, wax lyrical and really enjoy the process of working with words. Introduce us to new ideas, new worlds and new forms of expression.
We are not strict about word limits, and prefer to consider all works on their merits. However, while we do not have a formal cutoff, we are less likely to publish works longer than 4000 words.
For more information about how to submit, visit the Island website here.