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The Casey Writers Project is a three-year program of writing workshops, clinics and salons for writers in Casey to develop their craft. Running from 2018 to 2020. Presented by Writers Victoria in association with Casey Cardinia Libraries. Proudly supported by the City of Casey.



Short Story with Cate Kennedy

What sets a memorable short story apart is discipline and compression.  A short story is closer to a poem or a song than a novel, with a rapid dive in that really gets the story started at the beginning.  In this workshop you will learn about:

  • key elements of the form
  • characterisation
  • cadence, pace and rhythm of the language

Participants are encouraged to bring an example of their own work - particularly something they are stuck on - for discussion in class and potential reworking.  Expect to write in this class.


About Cate Kennedy

Cate Kennedy is an author and editor who has long had a love affair with the short story form. Her 2006 collection, ‘Dark Roots’, was shortlisted for the Australian Literature Gold Medal and the Queensland Premier's Awards. It is currently on the VCE Literature syllabus. Cate’s most recent collection, ‘Like a House on Fire’, won the Queensland Literary award for a short story collection in 2013. It is currently on the VCE English syllabus. Her most recent editing venture is ‘New Australian Love Stories’ (2014). Cate also writes poetry, non-fiction, children’s books and novels, has sat on judging panels, and her work has been published both in Australia and internationally.

17 February 2019 from 10:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Narre Community Learning Centre
1 Malcolm Court
Narre Warren, VIC 3805
Event Fee(s)
WV Event test priceset A$0.50
Course Code WR1CC1902SST
Region Melbourne (outer)
With Cate Kennedy
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Image Caption Cate Kennedy
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